PADEL-TENNIS-banniere-Speqtris Sport


Padel Tennis is an increasingly widespread and popular sport. Lighting needs are therefore increasingly present in this sport and we rely on the standards given by the French Tennis Federation (FFT) to offer you the best lighting solution for your indoor and outdoor padel tennis courts (indoor and outdoor).

What is the point of choosing LED lighting?

It is important to equip yourself with powerful and efficient floodlights. Indeed, a lack of visibility, due to poor lighting, would reduce the players’ reaction time. However, in padel tennis it is necessary to be reactive because the ball can adopt complex trajectories with the different bounces and the players’ thinking must be quick in order to make the right decisions when hitting.

LED lighting will allow you to obtain the level of lighting imposed by the FFT as well as uniform lighting on the court in order to have all the elements of the game clearly visible, whether it is the net, the lines, the fences or windows, the ball and sometimes even your teammate.

To allow you to play in good conditions, our sports LED floodlights will be perfectly suited to your padel tennis court. You will thus save energy with efficient and very low-energy lighting with durable lighting.

To find out how to light your indoor or outdoor padel tennis court from A to Z, we recommend our sports guide which brings together all the essential data for creating it.


What lighting standards must be respected in padel tennis?

For the lighting of a padel tennis court, it is important to respect certain standards. First of all, we rely on the general standard for sports lighting NF EN 12193. More specifically for padel tennis, we also follow the standard imposed by the FFT in order to match the use of your courts with the associated practice. According to the defined standards, we will then be able to recommend the LED lighting system that will best suit your padel tennis court so as not to forget any area to be lit.

You can also find the padel tennis lighting standards directly on the official FFT website.

Our bright recommendation

The Satis range

Our Satis range of LED floodlights is perfect for lighting padel tennis courts, whether indoors or outdoors. Its relatively low power will be more than enough to light up your infrastructure.


Why choose these LED floodlights?

They are available in 5 distinct models, 50W, 75W, 100W, 150W and 200W with a luminous efficiency of 150lm/W in order to adapt correctly to your field.

Their unique adjustable module and their different diffusion optics will allow it to illuminate the entire playable area and will improve the playing experience for the players but also the quality of refereeing and visibility for the public.

The desired levels and uniformities of illumination will be easily achieved with our Satis LED luminaires.

In addition, our Satis luminaires are equipped with a protective glass making them more durable and solid by preventing dirt from infiltrating.

What is the lifespan of the Satis luminaire?

The operating time of this projector is calculated according to L80 standards, i.e. approximately 76,000 hours.

We always recommend cleaning the optics of the luminaires thoroughly, this will help to maintain their luminous efficiency as much as possible.

Indeed, it is very likely that your LED equipment will become dusty over time. In addition, if the projectors are installed outdoors, rain could settle on the optics and form a thin layer of dust as it dries.

There is no need to maintain them every day, annual cleaning is perfectly suitable.

Can these projectors be impacted by rain or shocks?

As mentioned above, it is possible to install them outdoors. Their IP66 protection rating against humidity and dust effectively protects their components against rain and dirt.

In addition, they are not afraid of possible collisions with badly fired balls (or rackets for the worst losers) thanks to their IK10 impact protection rating.

This product may also suit you !


LED floodlight

100W200W300W 400W

How to equip your padel tennis court?

The different levels of lighting in padel tennis

The lighting of padel tennis courts is standardized according to the technical specifications of the French Tennis Federation :

Categories International Competitions Indoor
Illumination level 750 Lux 300 Lux


The uniformity coefficient is the same as for tennis courts, it must not be less than 0.5.


Also find the framework of the 15 points of padel tennis lighting surveys below:

The dimensions of a padel tennis court and the layout of the lighting

The layout of the lighting masts is always the same, regardless of the Padel tennis court, i.e. 2 masts of 6 or 7m on each side of the court.

Integrate Padel Tennis standards into your CCTP

The CCTP (Special Technical Clauses Book) is a necessary document for any public contract. It allows you to determine the buyer’s needs. For padel tennis court lighting, lighting standards must be respected in order to ensure the compliance of each court to be lit.

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Padel tennis Couvert ou Extérieur

D’après la norme de la Fédération Française de Tennis et son cahier des charges padel tennis de novembre 2022 :

Éclairage intérieur et extérieur :

  • 300 lux minimum à maintenir ;
  • coefficient d’uniformité ≥ 0,5.

Les mesures sont réalisées sur 15 points répartis sur la surface de jeu.

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An example of a successful lighting project

Lighting at 6m / Illumination at 300 Lux

Typical project for an outdoor Padel tennis court (projectors at 6m height):

  • 8 Satis 150W projectors
  • 2 projectors per 6m mast
  • Asymmetrical optics
  • Tilt of 5°
  • Average illumination of 304 Lux
  • Uniformity of 0.77

Photometric rendering :

Lighting at 7m / Illumination at 500 Lux

Typical project for an outdoor Padel tennis court (projectors at 6m height):

  • 8 Olympe 300W projectors
  • 2 projectors per 7m mast
  • Asymmetrical optics
  • 10° tilt
  • Average illumination of 524 Lux
  • Uniformity of 0.73

Photometric rendering :

Our sports guide

With over 13 years of field experience and achievements, we have designed here a panel of lighting layouts and installations according to each sport through our sports guide.
This tool will allow you to quickly find the photometric studies corresponding to your project and to define and propose the appropriate equipment for the desired lighting result.

  • + 300 projects at your disposal.
  • Photometric studies on all sports.
  • Typical and frequent installations according to each level of competition.
  • Know-how and experience at your fingertips for all our customers.